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October Gifts

I am letting Sami have the lead today to show off some great finds. One, I told her about; the others she found by paying intention to chat logs - LOL.  What a job!

Anyway, here is her info. You can find this post repeated along with some extra shots of non-wearables on HER page.

Her dress is from ArisAris, an instore gift for a LIMITED time so get over there.

Her purse, tattoo and ring are just a FEW of the many gifts at the Cosmopolitan Birthday Event. You won't miss the boxes and balloons as you walk into the event.

click for larger photo

Location Mad Pea Base where you can win a hud for the game ($400 value) on a mini mania board right near the landing point.

Hair by Truth (NLA)

Poses by: LAP [NLA]


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